It is literally the opposite of “no.” Say the English word “oat” but don't vocalize the “-t” and replace it with a glottal stop. Also, how do you say hello in Navajo? Yá'át'ééh (Hello in Navajo) Literally: it is good (alternatively: it is well). This is the way to say hello in Navajo, and is the common Navajo greeting. Meeting …
How do you say I don't know in Navajo? “I do not know” is “Doo shił bééhózin da”, “You do not know” is “Doo nił bééhózin da”, and “He/she/it does not know” is “Doo bił bééhózin da”. In general, this is a more respectful way of saying “I don't know.”
Shíká anilyeedá! Fire! Stop! Call the police! Siláo shá bich i' holne'! Download the Navajo phrases – also includes the Navajo alphabet and numbers (Excel) If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
In the English – Navajo dictionary you will find phrases with translations, examples, pronunciation and pictures. Translation is fast and saves you time.
How do you say baby in Navajo? Awéé’: the Navajo word for “baby” What does bidi mean in Navajo? sausage, bacon, ham. How do you say no in Navajo? Today’s Navajo Word of the Day is a variant of yesterday’s Navajo Word of the Day. Yesterday, we learned the word “dooda,” which means “no.” Today’s word is “T’ah Dooda …
How do you say white person in Navajo? Anyway back to the point: Bilagaana translates literally to “white person.” However, in the 1860s vernacular, it was also meant to designate Americans -or as they were called by some in the tribe, “The New People”.
Thank You in Navajo | Ahéhee’ – Navajo Language (Diné Bizaad) Find this Pin and more on I love anything WESTERN by Amy Al Gee. What does walk in beauty mean? To Walk in Beauty means to walk in harmony with all things (people, objects, animals…with life!).
There are two ways you can say "Navajo" in Navajo. Dinémeans "The People" in Navajo. The Navajo call themselves "Diné". Nabeehó is another way of saying Navajo.
If you want to say ‘hello’ to someone in Navajo then you can do so with the following phrase: English. Navajo. Hello. Yá’át’ééh. This phrase is pronounced as ‘ yah-aat-eh ’. You can use this phrase with anyone – it can be used with elders, people younger than you and people your age.
How Do You Say Sky In Navajo? It would be y-, as in y*-t’ééée, which means “sky” or “up” in Greek. A darker blue color can be defined by the rest of the word dihi*, the rest of the word, di*hi, is understood to be ‘dark blue. I think that this word belongs to the diverse words of the word Navajo for atmospheres.
How do you say beautiful in Navajo? Nizhoni means Beautiful in the Navajo language. The spring rains have brought out the color in our high desert landscape. How do you say baby in Navajo? Awéé’ is the Navajo word for “baby”. She’awéé’ means “my baby” and awéé’ yázhí means “little baby”.
How do you say thank you in Navajo? Hello and thank you. Yáʼátʼééh dóó ahéheeʼ. “Thank you,” he said in a whisper. T’áa íitsa’í koní, “Ahéhee.” How do you greet someone in Navajo? Yá’át’ééh, ahéhee’, and nizhóní are common Navajo expressions you will hear amongst our Diné people.
How do you say taste good in Navajo? The Navajo words shił łikan together mean roughly “…it tastes good to me” or “I like it” in reference to something that you eat or drink. The first word, shił, translates to “with me” and is used to point the word it precedes towards an individual or group.
How do you say 100 in Navajo? The hundreds are formed by adding the multiplicative enclitic -di to the matching digit multiplier, then a space and the word hundred: tʼááłáhádí neeznádiin [100], naakidi neeznádiin [200], táadi neeznádiin [300], dį́įʼdi neeznádiin [400], ashdladi neeznádiin [500], hastą́ądi neeznádiin [600 …
How Do You Say White In Navajo? There is no clear explanation as to why the word bilagana is associated with the Navajo language. Although it’s true, it’s not entirely accurate. White people, or people of Caucasian descent, are referred to as Navajo.
How to say navajo in English? Pronunciation of navajo with 4 audio pronunciations, 6 synonyms, 1 meaning, 8 translations, 42 sentences and more for navajo.